Preparing for the 11 Plus Exam: Tips to Make Mock Exam Preparation Easier for Your Child

With the 11 Plus exam looming, it is understandable that both parents and children may feel overwhelmed. Test anxiety is a real concern, especially when it comes to high-stakes exams such as the 11 Plus. However, with some preparation, you can help your child feel confident and prepared for this big test. One great way to prepare is through mock exams, which provide practice tests that mimic the structure of the actual exam. Here are some tips to make online mock exam preparation easier for your child.

Know What To Expect On The Exam

The best way to help your child succeed on the exam is by preparing them in advance. If they know what types of questions will be asked on the exam and understand the format of it, they can approach it with more confidence and be better prepared overall. Knowing what to expect will also help them stay calm during the actual test because they won’t be surprised by anything that appears on their screen.

Find Online Mock Exams

There are many online resources available to help students prepare for their upcoming exams. One great option is online mock exams, which take the form of practice tests that mimic the structure of the actual exam. These exams allow students to become familiar with how questions are formatted and what topics will likely appear on their final exam day. Take advantage of these resources so that your child feels more comfortable when taking their final test!

Create A Study Schedule And Stick To It

It’s important to create a study schedule and stick to it so that your child does not become overwhelmed or burned out from studying too much at once. Make sure that there are breaks scheduled into their study sessions so that they can have time off from studying but still get enough time in advance to review all necessary material before taking their final test. Additionally, creating a routine helps instill good habits in your child—such as taking regular breaks—that will serve them well throughout their academic career! 

Preparing for the 11 Plus exam doesn’t have to be stressful or overwhelming! With these tips, you can make online mock exam preparation easier for your child so that they feel prepared and confident on testing day. Remember: finding quality resources such as online mock exams is key; knowing what to expect on the actual test; and creating a study schedule –and sticking with it–are all essential steps in helping your student succeed! Good luck!